Kampanta to kamma

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kampanta : [pr.p. of kappeti] trembling; wavering.

kampamāna : [pr.p. of kampati] trembling; wavering. (nt.), trembling; movement.

kampā : [f.] trembling; movement.

kampi : [aor. of kampati] trembled; wavered; shaken; agitated.

kampita : [pp. of kampati] trembled; wavered. || (pp. of kampeti and kampati)

kampiya : [abs. of kampeti] having shaken. (adj.), movable; shakeable.

kampeti : [caus. of kampati] caauses to shakes; causes to tremble.

kampetvā : [abs. of kampeti] having shaken; having caused to trembled.

kampenta : [pr.p. of kampeti] shaking; causing to trembled.

kampesi : [aor. of kampeti] shook; caused to trembled.

kambala : [nt.] woollen stuff; a blanket.

kambalī : [adj.] one who has a woollen garment for his dress.

kambalīya : [nt.] woollen garment.

kambu : [m.; nt.] gold; a conch-shell.

kambugīva : [adj.] having a neck marked with three lines or folds.

kamboja : [m.] name of a country.

kamma : [nt.] deed; action; job; work.