Mandata to mayura

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mandatā : [f.] reduced state; slowness; stupidity.

mandatta : [nt.] reduced state; slowness; stupidity.

mandamandaṃ : [adv.] slowly; little by little.

mandākinī : [f.] name of a great lake, and of a river.

mandāmukhī : [f.] a coal-pan.

mandāra : [m.] name of a mountain.

mandiya : [nt.] stupidity; slackness.

mandira : [nt.] a mansion; a palace.

mamaṅkāra : [m.] selfish attachment.

mamatta : [nt.] selfish attachment.

mamāyati : [deno. from mama] is attached to; cherishes.

mamāyanā : [f.] selfish attachment.

mamāyanta : [pr.p. of mamāyati] cherishing.

mamāyi : [aor. of mamāyati] cherished.

mamāyita : [pp. of mamāyati] cherished.

mamāyitvā : [abs. of mamāyati] having cherished.

mamma : [nt.] a vital spot of the body; a nerve centre.

mammacchedaka : [adj.] wounding a vital spot; very harsh or fatal.

mammaṭṭhāna : [nt.] a vital spot of the body; a nerve centre.

mammana : [adj.] one who stammers.

mayaṃ : [nom. plu. of amha] we.

mayūkha : [m.] a ray of light.

mayūra : [m.] peacock.