Bhumi to bheka

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bhūmi : [f.] ground; earth; region; stage; plane.

bhūmikampā : [f.] an earthquake.

bhūmigata : [adj.] situated on the ground or stored away in the ground.

bhūmitala : [nt.] ground surface.

bhūmippadesa : [m.] a piece of land.

bhūmibhāga : [m.] a piece of land.

bhūmisenāpati : [m.] lord of country and army.

bhūri : [f.] wisdom. (adj.), extensive; abundant.

bhūripañña : [adj.] of extensive wisdom.

bhūrimedha : [adj.] of extensive wisdom.

bhūsana : [nt.] an ornament; decoration.

bhūsāpita : [pp. of bhūsāpeti] caused to adorn or decorate.

bhūsāpeti : [caus. of bhūseti] causes to adorn or decorate.

bhūsāpetvā : [abs. of bhūsāpeti] having caused to adorn or decorate.

bhūsāpesi : [aor. of bhūsāpeti] caused to adorn or decorate.

bhūsita : [pp. of bhūseti] adorned; decorated; beautified.

bhūseti : [bhūs + e] adorns; decorates; beautifies.

bhūsetvā : [abs. of bhūseti] having adorned; having decorated; having beautified.

bhūsenta : [pr.p. of bhūseti] adorning; decorating; beautifying.

bhūsesi : [aor. of bhūseti] adorned; decorated; beautified.

bheka : [m.] a frog.