Hingu to hina

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hiṅgu : [nt.] the exudation of asafoetida plant.

hiṅgulaka : [nt.] vermilion.

hiṅguli : [f.] vermilion.

hita : [nt.] benefit; blessing; good; welfare. (adj.), useful; beneficial. (m.), a friend.

hitakara : [adj.] doing what is beneficial.

hitāvaha : [(hitā + avaha), adj.] beneficial.

hitesī : [m.] benefactor; desiring another's welfare.

hintāla : [m.] the marshy date palm.

hima : [nt.] snow; ice.

himavantu : [adj.] having snow or ice; the Himalaya mountains.

hiyyo : [adv.] yesterday.

hirañña : [nt.] unwrought gold.

hiraññasuvaṇṇa : [nt.] gold & money.

hiri : [f.] shyness; sense of shame.

hirikopīna : [nt.] that which arouses shyness, i.e. the male or female organ.

hirimantu : [adj.] modest; bashful.

hirīyati : [deno. from hiri] blushes; is shy or ashamed.

hirīyanā : [f.] shyness; sense of shame.

hirottappa : [nt.] shame and fear for sin.

hīna : [pp. of hāyati] diminished; dwindled; wasted away. (adj.), low; inferior; base; despicable.